..: September 2016

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Fall Box Swap | YTMM Meetup

Happy fall yall! This is my favorite time of year cool crisp air in the early mornings. Leaves changing beautiful colors, getting to wear big comfy sweaters. Halloween and Thanksgiving what's not to love.

I participated in my first swap box. If you're not sure what a swap box is, it's when you and another blogger or in my case another YoutTuber send each a surprise package filled with goodies. I started watching some videos on YT and they are super addicting. This one was fall themed I had a lot of fun shopping for another mom. I watched some of her videos so I can get an idea of what she was like. This was part of a collaboration so ill leave the playlist below of the other participants. I hope you all enjoy the video.

What's your favorite time of year?

Thursday, September 15, 2016

No Brush Makeup Challenge | Collab