Guess where I was......lol

Julians not very photogenic

The boutique from Pretty women

On the road

Micheal Jacksons star

So I know my last post was forever ago but today I finally had the time plus they came to install my internet at home today...So life is still crazy still not adjusted to everything..Been so blah with my make up been doing nothing but neutrals latley boring....So my last post was about my trip to L.A it was sooo much fun I love it there always something to do...Oh ive been doing some shopping getting ready for fall and I found some really really cute boots ill post pics in a later post im soo ready for fall I hate all this heat in california ..So I just recently, yesterday to be exact sent out my packages to my contests winners that I had like 2months ago lol sorry I just never had anytime to go to the post office...