So what have I been doing this last year working working and oh yeah working haha busy being a mom and wife and sometimes feeling like a maid with my two messy boys..and lets see what else doing lots of shopping of course, my favorite past time. Currently im obsessed with CrossRoads Trading Co. I have one around the corner and go almost every week. I've lived here for almost 3 years and just recently started going. They have such great stuff at even better prices.
So how bout u guys whats new with you??
Oh yeah a month ago I got a new dog named Yoshie here he is with my son Jon at the park yesterday..

Than I went to Sally's because I wanted to buy make up wipes ended up buying a new blow dryer as well that was $30 dollars than after some coupon in there ad and my sally's card it ended up being $15.. I also remembered that I was running low on shampoo and conditioner, for maybe the last year and a half ive been using Dove moisture shampoo and conditioner I have no complaints just wanted to try something new. Anywho I came across the Generic Value Product line they have which is suppose compare to such lines as Paul Mitchell, Matrix etc. Have any of you ever tried there products?? Im gonna start tomarrow so i'll let you guys know how I feel within the next two weeks. I bought the "Tea Tree Oil" Shampoo and conditioner and also the leave in conditioner, also bought the smoothing serum which is suppose to compare to Paul Mitchell Super skinny Serum. Growing up I used all kinds of products beacuse my mom was a hair stylists, now she mixes her own shampoos puts like rose marry different herbs into her shampoos..
Well thats it for now I gotta start cooking dinner shrimp and pasta tonight..yummy :)
<3 Mayra