Last night we went to the Monster Jam show at the Sleep Train Arena here in Sacramento. We had soooo much fun! It was Jon's and Juliana's first time at the show they loved it. They were really into it screaming and yelling for the monster trucks. I thought they would both definitely wake up this morning with sore throats. Juliana did good she's usually all squirmy in her seat very impatient, but this show she pretty much sat through the whole thing very entertained by the trucks. I really liked the show, definitely recommend you guys should check it out if you get the chance. And it was perfect that it landed on Jon's birthday made it extra special.
Jons favorite part was the freestyle round when grave digger drove on two wheels he thought the truck was going to flip over. He also said he liked during intermission he was able to go down closer to see and say hi to the drivers. And they all said hi back, that made them even more cool.
Juli's favorite part she says, when the truck jump high and her ice cream. She's a few words kind of gal.We also took my nephew Anthony since Julian had to work his favorite part was how high Grave Digger was able to jump and when one of the trucks was doing donuts.
The show was about 1 1/2 ours long, it was long enough that the kids were completely wiped toward the end so it was a very quiet ride home. Everyone fast asleep.
One last show left today
Sunday January 25 2:00pm
Sleep Train Arena
1 Sports Parkway, Sacramento, CA 95834
1 Sports Parkway, Sacramento, CA 95834
Tickets are available as low as $20 Adults / $10 Kids (ages 2 - 12)!
All tickets $2 more day of show.
Tickets can be purchased through-Sleep Train Arena box office or online at
Have a lovely Sunday!

I am a Feld Family Ambassador, and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows. Even though I received these benefits all opinions are 100% mine.