I made these delicious squares for the fiesta we had. I wasn't even going to take them out to the dessert table because I had left them a little bit too long in the oven. So they were a little burnt on the bottom. I Just cut them and put them on top of the counter. When I came back later that day to grab something, my brother in laws sister was telling me how good they were. I was like really you're not just saying that because your starving, She said no they were super good then gave one to my niece, who also thought they were delicious. I grabbed one and said ok ill put them on the dessert table.
It did taste really good crunchy at first bite with the cinnamon sugar getting on your lips. Then so moist and buttery like when you bite more inside. They were gone in the blink of an eye. So I would say it was the perfect choice to make for the fiesta.
What is your favorite latin inspired dessert?